“The grammatical dictionary of the numeral” (2013) is provided for CLARIN VLO

“The grammatical dictionary of the numeral” (“Граматычны слоўнік лічэбніка”. Minsk, 2013) is provided for the CLARIN VLO. The list was created in the Speech synthesis and recognition laboratory of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences on the basis of “The grammatical dictionary of the adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb” (Minsk, 2013). The latter was prepared in the Institute of Belarusian language named after Yakub Kolas of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Valiantsina Rusak is the scientific editor. Nadzeya Eulasevich, Lyubow Kuncevich, Volha Nikalaeva, Valiantsina Rusak are the lexicographers.

The grammatical and orthographic handbook dictionary reflects the modern inflection of Belarusian numerals and gives a complete paradigm of their morphological forms. The dictionary is aimed at teachers, pupils, professors, students, as well as all those who use the Belarusian language in written and oral forms. The basic information is provided in the dictionary article containing accordingly inflected forms of the adjective, pronoun, numeral, forms of degrees of comparison of the adverb. The creation of such a handbook is necessary to enhance the culture of speech and general culture. Normalized, unified use of standard Belarusian in printing, education, paperwork, business correspondence, mass media, etc. is necessary, as standard Belarusian is the official language in the Republic of Belarus.

The dictionary is available via the API. The service contains several dictionaries, it is necessary to select the desired one.

Numerals according to the book: Граматычны слоўнік прыметніка, займенніка, лічэбніка, прыслоўя: А-Я / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры, Філіял “Інстытут мовы і літаратуры імя Якуба Коласа і Янкі Купалы”; [укладальнікі: В. П. Русак і інш.; навуковы рэдактар В. П. Русак]. — 2-е выданне, дапрацаванае. — Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2013. — 1135 с. (The grammatical dictionary of the adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb / scientific ed. V. Rusak. — Minsk : Belaruskaya navuka, 2013. — 1135 pp.) ISBN 978-985-08-1629-0

Details are presented here. The direct link is here.